
When you find the item(s) that you like. You have several ways to finalize your order including our new on line check out system. Try our Shopping Cart feature. It will provide quick check out and secure payment. Definitely, online check out is the easiest and fastest way to securely complete a purchase.

As an alternative, you can also send us an e-mail message or give us a call, and tell us what catalog items you would like to order. Please use the catalog item numbers to make it easy to specify which fossil you want. When ordering, give us your name, address, and phone number in case there are any questions. We pride ourselves on quick and friendly customer service, give us a try.

Note - minimum order $15.

Discounts: All advertised discounts will be applied prior to processing your payment.

Our Guarantee:

We guarantee all of our fossils in a couple of ways. We will provide a Certificate of Authenticity stating the authenticity of the specimen that you are purchasing, and we will buy back any of our products at full cost if an authenticity problem is identified. Plus we have a 10 day return policy from receipt of product - no questions asked - for refund or credit towards another purchase. Please tell us if you would like to have a Certificate of Authenticity when ordering. Just forward an email request to btfossils@cs.com.

Even more importantly that you are investing in the knowledge and integrity of our company. I buy from a very limited amount of sellers that I trust. So, I know my products are legally collected on private deeded property or other legal locality and I am made aware if there was any restoration work done. So I know and trust the condition of the teeth and other fossils. Please note that I have been running my Buried Treasure Fossils online business for 19 years.

Secure Payment:

You can shop on www.buriedtreasurefossils.com online with confidence. We have partnered with Authorize.Net, a leading payment gateway company since 1996, to offer safe and secure credit or debit card transactions for our customers.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover and PayPal. Personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders are also gladly accepted. Use our on line check out system. Or please call or e-mail us and leave your name, credit card number, expiration date, security code, and telephone number.

Note - Texas residents (only), please remember that TX state sales tax (6.25%) will be added to your purchase.

When mailing payments please make payable to:  Gary Greaser

E-mail: btfossils@cs.com

Phone: (281) 342-7129 Central Time   ; evenings (before 9 PM) and weekends are best.


We use the US Postal Service (USPS) for shipping – Priority Mail for domestic orders and airmail (first class) for international orders. Shipping costs (USPS) are free shipping for domestic orders at least $100. Free shipping for International orders startrs at $190+. Please note that international orders that weigh over 8 ounces, such as, books, display frames, and other heavy items will require partial postage payment from the customer. All shipments will be handled promptly - typically 2-4 days from receipt of payment. Other shipping services are available upon request and purchaser pays for shipping.

2023 Shipping Rate Options - A recent upgrade to our website software included new shipping rate options. Both domestic (US) and international customers now have more shipping options with both the US Postal Service (USPS) and United Parcel Service (UPS). Free shipping is given to domestic orders of $100+ and international orders of $190+.

Refund and Exchange Policy:

Buried Treasure Fossils only offers high quality fossils. Our catalogs contain fossils that meet the standards of our private collection. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return it within 10 days of receiving your order for a refund or exchange or credit. Note - Refunds for orders correctly filled with reduced by actual shipping cost and credit card or PayPal fees incurred. Buyer is responsible for return packing and postage. Please pack returns securely. Items must be returned undamaged for refund or exchange. Items damaged after receiving your order cannot be returned.

Can't Locate An Item You Want?

Please send us an e-mail message or give us a call and tell us what you are looking for. Our fossil inventory is very large, and cannot be fully posted on our web site. We also have access to many sources of high quality fossil shark teeth, dinosaur teeth, and other top quality fossils.

Selling your Collection

Please send us an e-mail message or give us a call and tell us what you have to offer. We will need photos, size, and location found.

Wholesale Requests

We have a limited amount of material that we would wholesale for a bulk quantity purchase. Please contact us.  
