Sharktooth Hill Fossil Finder's Mini and Micro Teeth Guide By Chuck Ciampaglio & Donald Ricketts

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The Buena Vista Museum added a new guide for the "Mini and Micro" fossil shark teeth of Sharktooth Hill. This guide includes color photos of all of teeth. A must have for the Miocene fossil collector of California and all Miocene micro teeth collectors. Great value!

BB15            Size: 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" / 38 pages

The Buena Vista Museum publishes added an excellent guide to the "Mini and Micro" fossil shark teeth of Sharktooth Hill. An updated and expanded guide book for Sharktooth Hill. Excellent color photos of the teeth and sharks. Size: 5-1/2' x 8-1/2", soft bound, 38 pages. An excellent guide to the "Mini and Micro" Miocene shark species of Sharktooth Hill.

More Information
Paperback38 Pages
Product Dimensions5-1/2' x 8-1/2"