Otodus megalodon Indonesia

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"The Best of West Java".  A GEM West Java RED Meg. An ultra rare, TOP QUALITY, Megalodon - upper jaw anterior tooth from West Java, Indonesia - new site. An October Fossil of the Month. This Megalodon has an incredible RED colored crown and an excellent extra large, RED & GOLD colored bourlette. Highest quality enamel. Excellent color! The bourlette is extra large and 90% complete. This bourlette is incredible - near flawless! The serrations are razor sharp with an excellent tip serration. Exceptional serrations for a BIG Meg. The root is excellent on the display side and there are small pits on the reverse side. A near flawless root! Miocene Age. No repair or restoration. Authenticity Guaranteed. An exceptional West Java RED Meg! A near Perfect tooth.  BEST red and gold bourlette that I have seen.

IN08        Size: 5-11/16"     (4-1/8" W)

Note - Adding 12 Indonesian Megalodon Teeth in October 2021. -> Link To Indonesian Megs
