Gomphotherium Teeth & Fossils

Excellent Gomphotherium teeth examples, an extinct elephant ancestor, that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America. These complete molars were found in So. Carolina. Authenticity guaranteed.
- Gomphotherium$395.00
On Sale A beautifully perserved Miocene Gomphotherium molar from So. Carolina. An extinct elephant ancestor that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America and a close relative to the Mastodon & Mammoth. Very nice, evenly worn cusps. Good partial root. Well fossilized. Weighs 3 lbs+. No damage. No repair. An exceptional display piece. Authenticity guaranteed.
X601 Size: 5" x 3-1/4" W x 4" H
Name: Gomphotherium
Age: Miocene - Pliocene
Location: Morgan River, Beaufort Co., SC
Learn More - Gomphotherium$0.00
A beautifully perserved Miocene Gomphotherium molar from So. Carolina. An extinct elephant ancestor that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America and a close relative to the Mastodon & Mammoth. Exceptional unerupted cusps with great detail and color. Partial root. Well fossilized. Weighs 3 lbs+. No damage. No repair. One of my best Gomp teeth. An exceptional display piece. Authenticity guaranteed.
X602 BoP Size: 6-1/4" x 3" W x 3-3/4" H
Name: Gomphotherium
Age: Miocene
Location: Ashapoo River, Colleton Co., SC
Learn More - Platybelodon (Gomphotherium relative)$0.00
A beautifully perserved Miocene Platybelodon (Gomphotherium relative) molar. This strange ancestral elephant had two large shovel tusks on the front of its lower jaw. Excellent evenly worn cusps. Partial root section. Well fossilized. Weighs 3 lbs+. No damage. No repair. An exceptional display piece from an unusual species.
X608 BoP Size: 7-1/2" x 3-1/4" W x 3-1/2" H
Name: Platybelodon (Gomphotherium relative)
Age: Miocene - Pliocene
Location: Linxia Basin, Gansu, Northwestern China
Please note the this item was legally obtained in the US in the early 1980s.
Learn More - Gomphotherium$0.00
A rare, GEM Miocene Gomphotherium molar. Our 2nd October 2017 Fossil of the Month. Incredible preservation with a full root. An extinct elephant ancestor that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America. Exceptional unerupted cusps with fantastic detail and color. The root is extra large, fully articulated and complete. Well fossilized. Weighs 1.5 lbs+. No damage. No repair. My finest Gomp teeth. Museum quality. An exceptional display piece. Authenticity guaranteed. Best of the BEST!
X611 BoP Size: 3-1/2" x 2-1/2" W x 4-1/4" H
Name: Gomphotherium
Location: Broad River, Beaufort Co., SC
Learn More - Gomphotherium Tusk Bark$0.00
A rare section of Miocene Gomphotherium tusk bark. Excellent preservation. An extinct elephant ancestor that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America. An excellent display or eductational piece. Authenticity guaranteed.
X616 Size: 2-1/2" x 1-1/4"
Name: Gomphotherium
Location: Beaufort Co., SC
Learn More - Gomphotherium Tusk$0.00
A rare Miocene Gomphotherium tusk section. Excellent preservation. An extinct elephant ancestor that evolved in the Early Miocene of North America. An excellent display and eductational piece. Authenticity guaranteed. You do not see these very often; especially a US example.
X613 BoP Size: 12-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 2-1/2"
Name: Gomphotherium
Location: Beaufort Co., SC
Note - International shipping charge will be assessed (6.2 lbs.)
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