Carcharhinus brachyurus (Copper shark)

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A rare Carcharhinus brachyurus tooth, the Copper shark, from Sumatra, Indonesia. These teeth were deposited in the Telisa formation - a shallow marine environment during the middle Miocene (approx. 15 million years ago.) A very unique collector's tooth. D071 is the upper jaw tooth on the left. Authenticity guaranteed.

D071 (Left)       SIZE: 7/16"

Note - 50+ new Sumatran Carcharhinus teeth (4 species) added in January 2018.       Link to Sumatran teeth.

The Carcharhinus brachyurus, the copper shark, is a species of requiem shark from the Carcharhinidae family, and the only member of its genus found mostly at temperate latitudes. Reaches lengths of 11 feet. The copper shark is a fast-swimming predator which feeds on cephlapods, fish, and other sharks.

This collection represents a rare and very unusual collection of Miocene fossil shark teeth from the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Few collectors have these teeth and even fewer have had the opportunity to collect this site as I did!