The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Identifying Alpha Megalodon Teeth

Are you fascinated by the massive and mighty sharks that swam in our oceans millions of years ago? If yes, you might be thrilled to learn about hunting for alpha megalodon teeth. These are the large, ancient teeth of the extinct megalodon shark, a true giant of the ocean. This guide will help you understand how to find and identify these incredible pieces of history.

Starting Your Search for Alpha Megalodon Teeth

Finding an alpha megalodon tooth can feel like uncovering a hidden treasure. These teeth are huge and were part of one of the most powerful marine predators. The first step in your adventure is to know where to look. Megalodon teeth are mostly found in sediment layers below today's ocean floors, along riverbeds, and along coastlines where these ancient sharks once hunted.

You will need basic tools like a sturdy shovel, a sifting screen, and a lot of patience. Start by exploring riverbanks and coastal areas with known fossil deposits. Beaches after a storm are your best bet, as the strong waves can uncover hidden fossils, including shark teeth. Those who may not have access to these areas or prefer to start their collection with guaranteed authentic specimens can shop directly from Buried Treasure Fossils. Our extensive collection of shark teeth, from the oldest great white shark tooth to the youngest megalodon tooth ever found, ensures you find something incredible for your collection.

How to Recognize an Alpha Megalodon Tooth

Once you start finding shark teeth, how do you know if you've found an alpha megalodon tooth? Here are some features to look for:

Size -  Alpha megalodon teeth can be over 6 inches long. That could be bigger than your hand!

Shape - These teeth are broad and triangular. The edges are sharp with fine serrations, perfect for catching large prey.

Root - The root of the tooth is thick and sturdy, helping to support its large size.

Color -: The color can vary widely from black and gray to brown and blue, depending on the minerals in the area where the tooth fossilized.

How To Preserve Your Finds?

After finding a megalodon tooth, it's important to preserve it. Rinse it gently with water to remove loose sediment. Avoid harsh cleaning tools or chemicals that can damage the tooth. Store it in a dry, cool place and away from direct sunlight to keep it in good condition.

If you are purchasing an alpha megalodon tooth directly from our website, rest assured that each specimen has been carefully selected for its authenticity and quality. Once you receive your tooth, inspect it carefully to appreciate its unique characteristics. You can display it as is, or you may choose to frame it for added protection. Always handle your tooth with clean hands and store it in a place where temperature and humidity are stable to maintain its condition over time. This will ensure your alpha megalodon tooth remains a prized part of your collection for years to come.

Why Collect These Teeth?

Collecting alpha megalodon teeth is not just about having a piece of history but about connecting with the ancient world. These teeth are a link to an era when gigantic creatures ruled the oceans. By collecting them, you keep the story of these incredible animals alive for future generations.


Finding and identifying alpha megalodon teeth is an exciting hobby that connects you with the ancient past of our planet. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a new enthusiast, the thrill of discovering these fossils is unmatched. So grab your tools, head to the nearest fossil site, and start your search. Or explore our collection of authentic shark teeth. You might just find a big, beautiful alpha megalodon tooth to call your own!