Should I Buy A Megalodon Tooth On eBay? Find Your Answer Here

When hunting for ancient treasures, including shark teeth, on eBay, you might feel like you're on the brink of a significant discovery. However, caution is essential. The allure of owning a piece of a magnificent prehistoric creature, like the megalodon shark, is undeniable. Yet, this enthusiasm can sometimes lead to hasty decisions, which might not end well. In this blog, I will explain why buying a megalodon tooth from eBay might not be the best idea and suggest a safer alternative.

The Risk of Fakes

One of the biggest risks of purchasing a megalodon tooth on eBay is the prevalence of fakes – plastic or other replicas. Imposters often exploit buyers' excitement and limited knowledge to sell artificial or altered teeth as authentic artifacts. These fakes may look convincing to an untrained eye, making it easy to fall for a scam. It's not just about spending money on something fake—it's also about the disappointment and frustration that comes when you realize the truth.

Quality and Authenticity Concerns

Even if the megalodon tooth is genuine, there are other concerns to consider. For example, the quality of the tooth is crucial. Teeth sold on eBay can sometimes be restored or repaired in ways that are not clear from the photos or descriptions. These modifications can significantly decrease the scientific and collector value of the tooth. You might end up paying top dollar for a tooth that, in the eyes of knowledgeable collectors, is barely worth a fraction of the price.

Why Choose Authentic Sellers?

Buying a megalodon tooth from a reputable seller like Buried Treasure Fossils offers numerous advantages. First, authenticity is guaranteed. We source only the finest examples of fossil shark teeth, dinosaur fossils, and more from reliable commercial suppliers around the world. Each piece is selected with the same passion and discernment that fueled my own collecting journey.

Expertise and Trust

Having spent years expanding my own collection, I understand the nuances that make each fossil special. At Buried Treasure Fossils, we provide detailed images and thorough descriptions of each tooth, including information on any restorations or repairs. This level of transparency builds trust and ensures you know exactly what you are getting.

The Value of a Genuine Purchase

When you buy a megalodon tooth from a dedicated fossil seller, you pay for more than just the tooth. You, in fact, invest in a piece of history handled with care and expertise. The value of your purchase holds over time, not only in monetary terms but as a cherished part of your collection. This sense of security and satisfaction is something that an uncertain eBay purchase rarely guarantees.


While the temptation to snap up a megalodon tooth on eBay can be strong, it's wise to approach such deals with caution. The risks of encountering fakes, poor restoration, and misleading sales pitches are high. Instead, turning to recognized experts like those at Buried Treasure Fossils ensures you acquire a genuine, quality fossil that you can treasure and proudly display in your collection. Remember, when it comes to collecting relics of the past, where you buy is as important as what you buy.