Fossils - Best of the Past

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  1. Edestus heinrichi

    An ultra rare, LARGE Top Quality Edestus heinrichi shark whorl with 7 big crowns, from Herrin, Illinois. An October Fossil of the Month. This is a Paleozoic shark that lived in swamps that our now underground coal deposits. Excellent preservation and serrations. This whorl is incredible teeth detail - the first 5 crowns are all natural and the the last two have some top repair. One of the finest whorls that I have had. The Edestus shark would have an upper and lower tooth whorl that are vertically opposed. Research showed that they could use their opposing teeth in a scissor-like motion to cut prey. It is the first animal to cut vertically. A very strange looking and unique acting shark. Shark recreation image is credited to Julio Lacerdo. These rare teeth are Pennsylvanian age from Illinois. Note - Two crown tips were professionally retored. Authenticity guaranteed. Seven plus crown whorl sections are ultra rare!  The BEST.

    I01 BoP3         SIZE: 1-3/4" teeth   (Whorl :  10-1/4" length) 

    Adding 11 Edestus shark specimens in October 2021.    Link to Edestus shark.

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  2. Otodus megalodon 

    An incredible TOP QUALITY, EXTRA LARGE Megalodon upper jaw PRINCIPAL ANTERIOR tooth from So. Carolina. Another February Fossil of the Month (FOTM).  A fantastic charcoal gray colored crown. Highest quality enamel. The bourlette is black and 70% complete. The serrations are razor sharp with a good tip serration. Exceptional serrations for a big Meg. The root is complete and extra wide (4-13/16" W). Excellent symmetry. This is an excellent big Meg. Weighs 1.2 lbs. 100% natural. NO repair! AN EXCEPTIONAL BIG collector's MEG from So. Carolina. MUSEUM QUALITY. The BEST of the BEST!  There are not too many BIG, top quality Megalodon teeth (no repair) to go around!   

    SC003 BoP       SIZE: 6"+  (4-13/16'' W)

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  3. Tyrannosaurus rex

    An Ultra Rare EXTRA LARGE, Top Quality Tyrannosaurus rex tooth. Another August 2018 Fossil of the Month. This Rex crown measures 4-1/2" (straightline) and is thick (1-9/16") - a massive Rex tooth. The enamel is very high quality and a rich dark brown color. Good posterior and anterior serrations with a small amount of natural tip wear. An extra wide base. This is a big and heavy tooth. Note - this tooth was cracked in a freeze cycle as evidenced by the cracks in the top half of the tooth. The preparator did a exceptional job prepping this tooth and it is rock solid now. A small area of the cutting edge was rebuilt about midway on both the anterior and posterior sides (see final photo). Excellent overall condition for a big Rex tooth. A incredibly rare & special tooth! T-Rex was the apex during the late Cretaceous with massive teeth capable of crushing its prey. See the detailed description to determine how to tell a real T-Rex tooth! Legally collected on private land in the Hell Creek Fm., Faith, Harding Co., So. Dakota. Authenticity guaranteed. Note - Riker frame included. The largest T-rex tooth (crown) that I have offered! Top quality Rex teeth over 4" are the holy grail of the dinosaur collecting world. You just can't find quality 4"+ teeth at any price. 

    DT01 BoP      SIZE:  4-1/2"   (1-1/2" W)

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  4. Tyrannosaurus rex

    A GEM Tyrannosaurus rex tooth from an adult Rex. This Rex crown measures 2-13/16" and is very thick (1-1/8"). The enamel is highest quality. Great rich dark brown color. Exceptional serrations that are near complete all the way to the tip on the anterior and posterior sides with the slightest tip wear. Note - This is a recently erupted tooth that is essentially serrated to the tip - quite rare. No cracks, repair or restration. A 100% natural tooth! Exceptional overall condition for a big Rex tooth. A very special tooth! T-Rex was the apex during the late Cretaceous with massive teeth capable of crushing its prey. See the detailed description to determine how to tell a real T-Rex tooth! Legally collected on private land in the Hell Creek Fm., Powder River Co., Montana. Authenticity guaranteed.  Note - a Riker frame is included. One of the best T-rex teeth that I have offered!  Museum Quality.

    DT02          SIZE: 2-13/16"   (1-1/8" W)

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  5. Anzu wyliei claw

    A rare, Top Quality, EXTRA LARGE Anzu wyliei hand (manus) claw from the Hell Creek Fm. of SE Montana. Another June 2018 Fossil of the Month. Anzu is referred to as the "Chicken from Hell". An exceptional manus claw. Highest quality rich brown color and patina. This specimen has incredible perservation with exceptional surfaces - no pitting, nicks or wear - superb surface articulation! There is some professional restoration which is typical for a big Anzu wyliei manus claw. The tip has a small section repaired and the proximal edge has a small triangular area repaired which starts at the center of proximal surface (see photo). A high quality, collector's claw from one of my favorite collecting sites. Note - 2014 Anzu wyleii description paper attached belowCheck out our selection of top quality Anzu wyliei claws! Legally collected on private land in the Hell Creek Fm., Powder River Co., Montana.  Authenticity guaranteed. Museum Quality. One of my favorites! Note - a Riker frame will be included.

    DA01 BoP     Size: 3-7/8" (always straightline) (Note - 1-7/8" height at the proximal end!)

    Note - Adding four Anzu wyliei claws in June 2018.       Link to Anzu wyliei claws.

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  6. Otodus megalodon

    An incredible Top Quality Megalodon tooth from Georgia and a June 2018 Fossil of the Month. The crown has a fantastic charcoal gray with light gray and black serrations. The crown also has a very unique wide” spade-like” shape. The enamel is the Highest Quality; glass-like with few hydration cracks! An exceptional, extra large black bourlette – nearly perfect. Razor sharp serrations including an exceptional tip serration. Nearly perfect serrations! The root is nicely articulated, brown colored, and complete. This Georgia Meg is very special – a real “looker”. Definitely a Miocene age Meg tooth with small Chubutensis like bumps at the base of the crown and grooves along the edge of the root lobes. Note - these Georgia Megs are fantastic - essentially no sign of wear and excellent preservation. You would think that these Georgia teeth were collected from a land site with the degree of perfection that they exhibit. A near Perfect Meg tooth. An exceptional collector's Megalodon tooth from Georgia. Authenticity guaranteed. Exceptional eye appeal! My of my favorites!

    G109 BoP           Size: 4-7/8"

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  7. Otodus megalodon

    A GEM quality, light green colored Megalodon tooth from GeorgiaAnother March 2018 Fossil of the Month. The enamel is the Highest Quality; glass-like with no hydration cracks! An exceptional black bourlette - 100% complete. Razor sharp serrations including an excellent tip serration. The serrations are 100% complete! The root is incredible - a medium brown, nicely articulated, and complete with no hydration cracks. One of the finest preserved Megs that I have seen. An exceptional collector's Megalodon tooth from Georgia. The PERFECT Megalodon tooth. I rarely see a perefect tooth! Authenticity guaranteed. BEST of the BEST!

    G101 BoP            Size: 4-3/16"

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  8. Otodus megalodon

    An ultra rare, 5-5/8" GEM, Deep Red North Carolina Carcharocles megalodon, an upper jaw Principal Anterior tooth from the Meherrin River copper-red site. This incredibly rare tooth is our February Fossil of the Month. NC001 has an incredible deep red colored crown. The finest color from the copper red site! The enamel is the highest quality. The serrations are essentially prefect with a needle-like tip serration. The root is perfect. Definitely a Miocene Meg with "root ears" and serration bumps at base. Note - you rarely see a copper-red Megalodon shark tooth that has a top quality crown, root and serrations - a top .1% tooth from this site! This is one of the finest big Megs from this site and I would say the finest deep red colored big Meg tooth from this site! NO repair! An old collection piece from the rarest location to find large, top quality Megalodon teeth - rarer than Chile, Peru, Bone Valley, etc. You will not see another Meherrin River Meg this nice! Authenticity guaranteed. The BEST of the BEST!      On HOLD

    NC001         SIZE: 5-5/8"   (4-1/4" W)

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  9. Carcharodon carcharias

    An incredibly sized, GEM Great White shark tooth from Chile. Another December 2017 Fossil of the Month.This ULTRA RARE, MONSTER sized Great White tooth measures ~2-3/4" - a huge upper jaw PRINCIPAL ANTERIOR tooth. Highest quality enamel! Excellent color. The serrations are exceptional with an excellent tip serration. Incredible, large "gum line". Extra wide root. This was a big shark. Exceptional preservation - note the preserved nutrient hole on the root. Absolutely no repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. The PERFECT BIG Chilean Great White tooth. My finest remaining exceptionally large tooth. You won't see these big, top quality GW teeth any more. The BEST of the BEST!

    C1201          Size: 2-11/16" (2" W)

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  10. Otodus chubutensis

    An EXTRA LARGE, TOP QUALITY, classic Lee Creek Chubutensis tooth (predecessor of Megalodon) - upper jaw ANTERIOR tooth. Another December 2017 Fossil fo the Month.This Chubutensis has an incredible light tan and blue colored crown. The bourlette is great light tan color and complete. Highest quality enamel with a no hydration cracks. Exceptional color! The serrations are razor sharp and perfect with a needle-like tip serration. The root is an excellent tan color and absolutely complete. This Chubutensis was found in the Pungo River Formation, Lee Creek mine, NC (Miocene age = 14.5 MYA). NO repair! Authenticity guaranteeed. One of the finest examples of a classic Lee Creek Megs considering the shape, color, and preservation. Incredible size and eye appeal. The PERFECT Chub  tooth from the old days at Lee Creek mine. My finest Chubutensis tooth!     On HOLD

    LC025 BoP            Size: 2-7/8"

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  11. Otodus chubutensis

    An EXTRA LARGE, TOP QUALITY, classic Lee Creek Chubutensis tooth (predecessor of Megalodon) - upper jaw ANTERIOR tooth. Another December 2017 Fossil fo the Month.This Chubutensis has an incredible light gray colored crown with fades to a golden tan. The bourlette is essentially complete and a great light brown color. Highest quality enamel with a no hydration cracks. Exceptional color! The serrations are razor sharp - near perfect with a needle-like tip serration. The root is an excellent light tan color and absolutely complete. This Chubutensis was found in the Pungo River Formation, Lee Creek mine, NC (Miocene age = 14.5 MYA). NO repair! Authenticity guaranteeed. One of the finest examples of a classic Lee Creek Megs considering the shape, color, and preservation. Incredible size and eye appeal. An exceptional collector's tooth from the old days at Lee Creek mine! 

    LC024 BoP           Size: 3-7/16"

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  12. Araucaria mirabilis

    A TOP QUALITY,  LARGE rare Araucaria mirabilis pine cone cut and polished specimen from Argentina. These Jurassic pine cones are exquisite and known for their highy quality and extreme preservation. This cone is large and shows both great interior and exterior detail.The internal detail is exceptional. One of my finest cut and  polished pine cone specimen in stock and I will not be getting any more as exports have stopped.  Authenticity guaranteed. 

     X308  BoP    Size: 2-1/2" x 2-1/8"

    Note - Adding 14 new pine cone specimens in December 2017.      Link to Pine Cone fossils.

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