Usakias wardi                                    

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A Top Quality Usakias wardi tooth (an Alopias family - Thresher shark) from Tushbair, Kazakhstan.  Lateral position. Note - These teeth have a heavy enameloid build up at the along the top of the root (similar to I. retroflexus - see photo).  Excellent color and condition. Excellent color and condition. An incredible Eocene (Bartonian) age tooth from the Shorym Formation. No repair or restoration. Authenticity guaranteed. One of the finest localities for Eocene age shark teeth! You will enjoy the quality of the Kazakh teeth. 

K1060      SIZE: 11/16"

Note - Posting 15 Usakias teeth in August 2024.   Link to Kazakh Usakias teeth.

Beautiful Usakias shark teeth from Tushbair, W. Kazakhstan. A difficult to locate species. Our best selection ever including anterior teeth!